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World Parkinson Congress

juli 4, 2023 - juli 7, 2023

För mer information och anmälan, besök World Parkinson Congress webbplats.

The triennial World Parkinson Congresses provide an international forum for basic scientists, clinical researchers, health care professionals, people with Parkinson’s and others to come together under one roof to discuss, learn, and engage in debate around the latest scientific discoveries, medical and comprehensive care practices related to Parkinson’s disease.

Unlike other scientific congresses, the World Parkinson Congress brings together all members of the Parkinson’s community. As an inclusive event, the WPC was founded on the belief that getting world leaders out of their professional silos and forcing a cross pollination of the scientific, clinical, rehabilitation, and advocacy communities would expedite the discovery of a cure and cultivate best treatment practices for this devastating disease.

Whether this cross pollination takes place in the audience at a scientific lecture, from the stage between the presenters, during poster talks, or at a small round table discussion, the take away is often the same – we need to evolve how we think when it comes to treatment for Parkinson’s and how to move forward together as a community to expedite research and get us closer to new treatments and ultimately a cure.

Read about the impact of this cross pollination format in these impactful stories on the Working Parkinson Connections blog page, written by UK-based neuroscientist, Dr. Jon Stamford, who is also living with Parkinson’s.

The 6th World Parkinson Congress (WPC 2023) will be held in Barcelona, Spain from July 4 – 7, 2023. Everyone in the community who is touched by Parkinson’s, whether a researcher, physician, family member, clinician, nurse, or rehab specialist is welcome to attend the WPC 2023. World Parkinson Congresses are 100% inclusive scientific events.

WPC 2023 will be taking place at the International Barcelona Convention Center at Plaça de Willy Brandt, 11-14, Barcelona, Spain 08019. This location is convenient to the subway system and hotels that will have rooms for delegates.

A snapshot of past Congresses

Congress Location & Year Health professionals,
Clinical researchers,
Basic scientists
Parkinson &,
Care Advocates,
and others
  5th World Parkinson
Congress (Program)
Kyoto, Japan
in 2019
        1,660      1,117
  4th World Parkinson
Portland, OR,
USA in 2016 
        1,966      2,203
  3rd World Parkinson
Montreal, QC,
Canada in 2013
        1,486      1,333
  2nd World Parkinson
Glasgow, Scotland,
UK in 2010
        2,316        550
  1st World Parkinson
Washington, DC,
USA in 2006
        1,925      1,100

The mission of the World Parkinson Coalition is to advance knowledge of scientific discoveries, clinical care, comprehensive treatment and advocacy work related to Parkinson’s disease by bringing physicians, scientists, nurses, rehabilitation specialists, care advocates, and Parkinson advocates together for a worldwide dialogue to expedite the discovery of a cure and improve treatment practices.

The official language of the Congress is English. World Parkinson Congresses are open to citizens of ALL countries.


juli 4, 2023
juli 7, 2023

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